What happens when two thirtysomething siblings relive the summer reading programs of their youth in an all-out battle of the books? The race is on as they read by the rules and keep tally on their logs to see who will be the ultimate reader by Labor Day 2010.

June 30, 2010

The Official Rules

1. The Summer 2010 Reading Adventure begins on June 29, 2010 and ends on the unofficial last day of summer: Labor Day, September 6, 2010.
2. Any book recently started can be considered, provided it has not yet been finished as of June 29, 2010.
3. Any adult book can be considered, provided it has an ISBN.
4. Any young adult book can be considered, provided it is over 300 pages.
5. Chick-lit counts, but must be balanced by a title of a higher order of literature. (We define chick-lit as a contemporary novel with glitter, a martini glass, high heeled shoe or engagement ring on the cover).
6. Each contestant enters his/her reading log through this blog and is responsible for updating the count total and submitting a post. Each contestant will respond to the other's post.
7. Each contestant must require the other to read two books of his/her own choosing, to be completed no later than September 6 or risk disqualification. However, these two books must have been previously read (at some point) by the person making the recommendation.
8. Keeping with the circa 1982 requirements of the Duxbury Free Library's summer reading program, each contestant must write a one page reaction paper to his/her favorite book OR do an artistic rendering of a favorite scene. These must be posted online for all to see (and judge).
9. Each contestant must confess to a personal transgression made in a childhood summer reading program.
10. The Summer 2010 Reading Adventure will be celebrated in the fall with, of course, an ice cream party.


  1. This is going to either end gloriously with hugs and "gosh thank you so much for sharing this amazing book with me" or bloodshed..... right now I am on the fence...

  2. Kerry is clearly going to win this thing. Right now I am trying to figure out the least painful way to lose.
